The Anchor Holds, pt.2 // Hebrews 6:19-20
There is one other little idea that I want to mention as it pertains to Hebrews 6:19. The rest of the verse indicates that the soul anchored in hope is what leads us into the intimate presence of God thanks to Jesus. That is an imperative to consider when you think about the conditions of life’s waters. Let’s be honest, we can be lulled into false security when things seem calm. We can also be deceived into thinking we are out of God’s will when we encounter life’s storms. The anchor that holds is actually holding on to you throughout whatever life throws your way, bringing you into God’s powerful and personal presence. As Hebrews 6:20 shows, Jesus already endured the worst that the world could throw at Him, and He is victorious in leading us to paradise. So, trust that the anchor holds as He leads you to an eternity with God. He is with you right now, and already there in your forever. He is holding your hand to keep you close and lead you closer. That anchor holds, so believe it and live it!