Rawthenticity // James 1:12
Today’s verse can be an anathema for many believers. We want faith to inoculate us against troubles. We might think one way, but when we face the worst, we easily slip into that thinking. I speak from experience. I preach and teach this all the time, but also must confess my own weakness when it comes to trials. I remember the time I finally was able to scream, “WHY ME?!” at God after Mia died. I even went as far as to say things like, “after all I’ve done for you, you let this happen to me?!?” The raw authenticity — or rawthenticity, as I like to say — helped get me recalibrated and remember that God is God and I am not. The trials we face do this as well as help to strengthen our faith. So, if you are enduring a trial, don’t give up. Seek the lessons God might want you to learn. Lean on others who have endured similar trials. Then, be ready to help someone else going through something similar.