On Burden Bearing // Psalm 68:19

Do you feel weariness from all the burdens you carry? I know I can when I slip into the fallacious mindset that my burdens are mine and mine alone. We read in today’s verse that God deserves to be praised because He helps us bear our burdens every single day. Sometimes we need some tangible and visible evidence when we feel we are being buried by our burdens. This is why the Apostle Paul wrote what he did in Galatians 6:2 that we fulfill Christ’s law to love God and others when we help people bear their burdens. We need to connect the faith, hope, and love of God with others as we seek to find the strength to bear the burdens that seek to bury us. Don’t feel you must do all this on your own. It is not your job. Trust God. Surrender to Him. Find the connections He wants to help you make so you can feel loved and help others find the same support, too.