Masterpiece // Psalm 8:34
God made you for the purpose of relationship and to glorify Him in and through your life. You are the apple of God’s creative eye. We stand in awe of the things in nature that God made — as well we should — because God made all of it to reveal His awesomeness. When you gaze in wonder at the sea, mountains, sun, moon, stars, etc., it’s important to remember we are His prized possession! Jesus did not come to die for the land, air, or water, but you and me. It’s mind boggling to consider, isn’t it? It gives weight to the question posed by King David about how God can be mindful for humanity — and not just mindful, but care-full. God delights over us and set forth the plan to save us. So, as you consider how wonderful creation is, don’t forget that we are the Lord’s masterpiece. And He doesn’t want it any other day. May that put a smile on your face and a spring in your step as you traverse the day and all it entails.