Expect to Prepare and Prepare Expectantly

Luke 12:40

Today marks the third Sunday in the season of Advent. I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Advent means expectation since it is a time of preparation for Christmas. We remember the past as people expected the coming of the Messiah. Now we expectantly await the return of King Jesus to set everything right in God’s creation. The thing is, as today’s verse proclaims, we don’t know when Jesus will return; in fact, it will come at a time we least expect. So what are we to do? Prepare. That’s actually what God expects us to do…prepare for His return as though it is imminent, be expectant in the waiting until He returns, and serve lovingly in the meantime. God expects you to prepare for a time that cannot be expected, and as you prepare, do so with a wholly — and holy — expectant heart.

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