Baptism Sunday // Acts 8:36

Acts 8:36 (NIV) | “As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”

Today is when we remember Jesus receiving Baptism by John the Baptist. John initially bristled at the thought of Baptizing Jesus, but Jesus said it was necessary for righteousness (Matt.3:15). Though Jesus had no sin, He gave us an example of humbly coming before God, dying to our old way of living, so we can be raised to new life in Christ.

One of my favorite stories about Baptism comes from Acts 8:26-40 when Phillip encountered an Ethiopian eunuch who held an important job of overseeing the treasury. Phillip noticed the Ethiopian was reading from Isaiah and asked if he understood. The eunuch replied that he had no way since no one had ever explained any of it to him. Phillip not only explained Isaiah but pointed to Jesus as the fulfillment of the prophecy and they had a conversation about Jesus. The Ethiopian asked a question that inspires me every time I read it: “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” (Acts 8:36) What can stand in the way, indeed? Phillip immediately baptized him on the spot in the name of Jesus.

Have you found yourself asking, what can stand in the way of my being baptized? Do you think it’s your past, or the way you live currently, or the wayward direction you’re heading? All too often we think we have to clean up our lives before we can come to Jesus, but Jesus says come to me and we’ll clean you up together. That’s precisely what baptism is all about in the first place! So, if you feel or fear something has been standing in your way, reach out to someone who can help. I’m always ready and available and would love to help you do what Jesus said is necessary for righteousness!