A Wholly Holy Light // Luke 11:36

I took the picture used for today’s graphic the other night. I was out walking Millie dog and marveled at the way our light fixture cast the design when I came back inside. I left the house with the light off, but Tiffany turned it on to vacuum the hallway. The complete change of how the entrance to our home looked struck me. It brings to mind Luke 11:36 where Jesus is recorded as saying, “If your whole body is full of light, having no dark part, it will be wholly bright as when a lamp with its rays gives you light” (ESV). The light of God completely changes everything! It helps us to see the world in ways that shape our convictions for Christ. That light casts rays the emanate from us to shine for our dark and lonely world. I can’t help but think about how Jesus said we are to be wholly bright like a light fixture that changes the way everything looks. I think we need to realize Jesus light helps make us holy as we commit to by wholly His. I want to close with a great CS Lewis quote that might be helpful as we seek to live for Jesus and wholly shine His holy light. “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” May that light radiate from us all today!