Posts Tagged ‘worry’
Stewing without Doing // Philippians 4:6
Yesterday I wrote a bit about worry and how it robs us of precious energy for something that may or may not happen tomorrow. Jesus taught that we aren’t to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will have enough worry on its own. God’s desire is for us to have faith sufficient for the day and…
Read MoreDon’t Worry // Matthew 6:34
Are you a worrier? I tend to be. I know worry doesn’t do any good, but I still do. Worry requires energy and focus that leaves you feeling exhausted. This is why Jesus said what He did about worry. All worry does is rob you of precious energy today for things that may or may…
Read MoreOn Thought Replacement
Philippians 4:8 Does your mind race with troubling, anxious thoughts? Do you struggle to move from panic to peace? Today’s verse is one that can help. The Apostle Paul taught that we are to fix our thoughts on the things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise. That’s quite…
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