On Vulnerability // James 5:16

Today’s verse gives us some great advice about how we can navigate our problems in life. We find connections to God and each other through confession and conversation, both in prayer and supportive accountability. The key here is something that can make us feel uncomfortable: vulnerability. Vulnerability is rooted in love, believe it or not.…

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Showtime // Matthew 6:6

Today’s verse comes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. The context in this teaching on prayer is important. Jesus warned people against performance prayers. You can probably think of a time when a person was trying to make an impression with a prayer, being verbose and using flowery language. Jesus said that when we make…

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National Pretzel Day // Lamentations 3:40-41

Today is National Pretzel Day! How will you celebrate? The history of the pretzel is believed to go back to Medieval Europe when a monk made them as a reminder to, and treat for, prayer. They were also given to the poor as a snack and religious symbol of hope. It’s believed the monk that…

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Stewing without Doing // Philippians 4:6

Yesterday I wrote a bit about worry and how it robs us of precious energy for something that may or may not happen tomorrow. Jesus taught that we aren’t to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will have enough worry on its own. God’s desire is for us to have faith sufficient for the day and…

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Stay Devoted // Colossians 4:2

Here is a relatively simple, but really superlative, thought for your Saturday: “Devote yourself to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” You are devoted to something…we all are. God desires your devotion and to channel that in a way to help others know about Him. So stay in a posture of prayer,…

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Rejoice in Patience & Prayer // Romans 12:12

Today’s verse is perhaps one worthy of printing to keep handy, save to your phone, and/or share with someone going through difficulties. The Apostle Paul shared his basic three-step formula for dealing with difficulties: (1) rejoice because you have a future and hope in Jesus; (2) stay patient when bad times come, because the worst…

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On Thought Replacement

Philippians 4:8 Does your mind race with troubling, anxious thoughts? Do you struggle to move from panic to peace? Today’s verse is one that can help. The Apostle Paul taught that we are to fix our thoughts on the things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise. That’s quite…

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