Look To See // Romans 1:18-20

Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” I like that. It really speaks to my spirit as I think about how God works. We read this in Romans 1.18-20: “But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is!…

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Desire & Power // Philippians 2:13

I want to take a moment this morning to revisit the same verse from yesterday. Whereas yesterday we explored salvation, today I want to think about living daily in faith. Think about what we read in the graphic below: “God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases…

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Spirit Gifts

2 Timothy 1:7 There is a lot to unpack in this short verse. What does it mean for you when you read that God did not give you a spirit of fear? Fear is a human defense mechanism that helped us survive as a species. It is powerfully programmed into us, but note how the…

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