Less of Me and More of You // Matthew 5:3

Today’s verse comes from the start of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in the section known as the Beatitudes. The idea of being poor in spirit might not sound very comforting, but Jesus’ response states that the Kingdom of God belongs to those in such a condition. I love how The Message version paraphrases this…

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Come and get it!

Matthew 5:6 Do you remember the Lay’s potato chip commercial that offered the challenge, “Betcha can’t eat just one”? I remember how I felt when I learned that food companies use additives that cause cravings. If you’ve ever wondered how you can gorge yourself on things like chips, cookies, and candies and never feel satisfied,…

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Mercy = Strength

Matthew 5:7 Today’s verse comes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and the Beatitudes in particular. His aim was to flip conventional wisdom upside-down based on God’s desire for our lives. When we think about mercy, it means to withhold a punishment someone deserves in order to bestow a love one could never earn. Some…

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