Your Plans, God’s Purpose // Proverbs 16:9

We chart courses for ourselves at various times in life. Maybe it’s about a college we aim to attend, vacation we plan to take, or career we hope to achieve. There isn’t anything wrong with that; in fact, God wants us to have a vision and make plans. There is a second part to this verse that we must consider, which is God establishes our steps despite our own plans. Now, some will read this and question whether or not God grants us free will. I am a free will absolutist, but I also believe in divine intervention. I have personally experienced times when I planned to zig, but all I could do was zag. Windows of desire closed, but giant hanger doors of opportunity presented themselves. I think there are times we head down a path, but since we have such limited vision, God helps direct us to things we never could have conceived on our own. So, my hope for you is that you will take time to study God’s Word, discern God’s Will, and commit to God’s way. You invariably will think it will take you one direction, but be open to how the Good Lord might just have you take a step you couldn’t foresee and open up a whole brand-new opportunity never considered previously. Your plans can align with God’s purpose and glory will explode all around!
