Your Constructive Words // Proverbs 18:21
I am quite certain you have experienced the truth behind today’s verse: “The tongue can bring life or death.” Your words can build up or tear down a person. It takes 19 compliments to undo 1 criticism, which means the inverse is also true…one criticism can undo 19 compliments. We tend to gravitate toward being overly critical or overly complimentary. It takes a special person to be able to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). The power of that statement is found in its context, because the truth is what’s required for growing into maturity. We all need the truth to show us where we are weak and where we are strong. Working through the balance with others requires careful balance, though, because of what words can do. Unwarranted praise can distract from a problem. Unwarranted criticism can prevent growth. Sticks and stones can break the bones, but words can leave far longer lasting, devastating impacts. So, choose your words carefully when you find yourself in such a position. Speak the truth, but do so lovingly. Let’s aim to be constructive in everything we say, doing our part to help God build up others.