You Are… // 1 Chronicles 29:11

Do you know the source of all you have and are? I mean do you really know? We humans have a tendency to think we deserve all the credit yet want none of the blame. What’s weird is how we tend to want to take credit for everything good and cast blame — either to God or the enemy — for everything bad that happens.

Today’s verse reminds us that all good things come from God. The Lord cannot have anything to do with evil, which is why we experience so much angst in our fallen world. The context for today’s verse came from King David rallying the people to bring gifts for the building of the Temple. David himself made the first gifts as an acknowledgement that all good things came from God, belong to God, and are to be used to glorify God. True, David had to deal with temptation to think the opposite, but his actions despite those temptations proved that he was indeed “a man after God’s own heart.”

If you struggle with this, I want to invite you into a simple exercise that will help expand your horizons. Sit back and prayerfully tell God, “You are…” and then reflect upon what you experience. Feel free to begin with the descriptors from today’s verse and say, “You are great and powerful, glorious, splendid, and majestic.” Then keep going. Keep a running tally of the various ways you experience God. Then, share that with others.