Worshipful Integrity // Romans 12:1

This verse is perfect for a Lord’s Day! We are called to use our lives as an offering to God by helping point others to Jesus. I like the way The Message paraphrases Romans 12:1, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.” The whole idea that we can worship and honor God in the things we might otherwise see as minute and mundane is revelatory! All too often we think we honor God in the BIG things, but the Bible also shows us that honoring God in the everyday stuff is equally important. Why do you think that is? Primarily it’s because people are paying attention to the way Jesus followers live their lives. Yes, we can often show up and show out in the big things, but it’s the little things that can demonstrate the sincerity of our faith in our amazing God. Think about what you are reflecting to others while sitting in traffic, standing in line, or in those moments when you think no one is watching. Friend, that is the essence of integrity and amounts to the greatest act of worship most of us could ever muster; i.e., honoring God by doing the right thing when you don’t know anyone else is there. After all, God is there, knows and sees everything, and judges accordingly. May we live our lives with worshipful integrity as our focus in the significant and seemingly insignificant things alike.

July 24 Square
Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App