With Alert Expectation // Romans 12:12
I figured out something the other morning when I took out Miss Millie for a walk. She exited the door, looked both left and right with the biggest smile, and wagged her tail with her entire body. She was looking for people to greet and friends to meet. It dawned on me we all could benefit with such an approach to daily living. I’ll admit there are times when I avoid certain places not because I worry of troubles, but because I don’t want to talk. Ouch. There are some things ok with that for an introvert, but as our verse for the day states, we need to be alert and cheerfully expectant for people to greet and friends to meet in Jesus’ name. Will you start your day that way? I hope you will! Put a smile on that face, put your whole body in motion, and look for ways to share God’s love with alert expectation!