Wiping Away // Revelation 21:4
Our family recently experienced a loss that reminded us of the sting of death. Friends, this is part of our human condition and the glorious reality of Jesus’ victory over the grave. Death is terminal for the non-believer, but for those who believe in Jesus as God’s one and only Son — the same who was raised from the dead — death became a transition from this life to the next. That promise leads us to the final victory that we read in today’s verse from Revelation 21:4. The time will come when Christ returns to wipe away every tear with His nail-scarred hand. That means Jesus will take the same hand and wipe away the things that bring us the agony of this fallen world…things like death, sorrow, crying, and pain. So, do you believe in Jesus as God’s one and only Son? Do you know the eternal beauty that awaits those who endure? I pray so. If you are struggling through a tough time right now, comment below and let some other sojourners in the faith pray for and with you.