What will YOU Lay Down in Love? // 1 John 3:16

1 John 3:16 (NIV) | This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

We’ve looked at loving others from the center of who we are the last few days, and how we are called to love others, too. Today we see again that we are to lay down our lives for others. Since we aren’t typically called to martyrdom much these days, this verse can take a slightly different tenor. Are there things in your life that you need to lay down in order to show others your love? I hope my wife and children know I’d take a bullet or jump in front of a speeding train for them because of how much I love them. That’s a grand gesture, no doubt. But do I love them enough to lay down my phone, my tablet, or the remote? Ouch! Of course I do, so why do I do it so infrequently? Why do I need to be reminded to spend more time living and loving those who are right in front of me as opposed to a digital life through a screen? It hurts, but the truth can from time-to-time. So, take this piece of advice from me this morning. Don’t wait to show your love through some grand gesture because you might just miss that opportunity; rather, make time right away to lay down your distractions and share your love. It might just change a life…beginning with your own.