Watch Your Mouth // Ephesians 4:29

This verse came to me at quite an opportune time. I was feeling stressed and battling hurt feelings. I know the old adage that hurt people hurt people and I did not want to commit such an offense. So, I watched my mouth and kept it shut when I otherwise wanted to go on and on and on.

The reality is, when we feel like someone is taking us down, we don’t want to go alone. This is contrary to the heart of the Gospel. We aren’t to tear down people, but seek to build up others. Today’s verse also indicates this is for the benefit of those who listen. What struck me in this recent conflict is I knew other people would likely be aware of the words that escaped my pie hole. That made me extra cautious, lest my witness could be damaged.

What strikes me about today’s verse, though, is it deals primarily with the mouth, but that isn’t the full story. No, I had to deal with the condition of my heart that made me want to say things I’d regret. Jesus cautioned us that the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. This verse came alive to me because I had to confront the reality that my heart wanted to do one thing and my mouth quite another. All too often I fall victim to temptation. It’s soooooo hard! Isn’t it?

We must be mindful to watch the mouth because it wants to do the heart’s dirty work. That, my friends, can be quite treacherous for everyone who hears and then ponders the words spoken. So, work to make Jesus King of your heart and let your words speak what brings Him glory, builds up others, and preserves your witness. And, if you mess up — which we all invariably will — make it right! When you do, you bring glory to God, build up others, and restore your witness.