Wait // Isaiah 40:30

Yesterday I introduced the season of Advent and how we are called to spend this month preparing our lives in hope for what God has in store, despite the junk we experience in our everyday lives. Those societal storms can be draining, so what are we to do? Today’s verse gives us the key: wait in hope. The image we receive in today’s verse points to how an eagle manages storms — it rises above them and soars! This is what God wants all of us to do as we read in Colossians 3:2, that we are to set our minds above where God is and not on the earthly things; otherwise, we will be prone to discouragement and Satan’s deceptions that God either (A) is not real, or (B) does not care. Don’t listen to that; rather, allow your active hope to encourage you, sustain you, and empower you to live for the Lord!