Trust pt.2 // Psalm 143:8

Yesterday we looked at trust in terms of finding that intrinsic faith that God’s power is available for you and will support you in life…much like flipping a light switch and sitting in a chair. Today’s verse gives us another chance to look at this and consider what it means for our lives. I’d like to encourage you to read all of Psalm 143 since it isn’t very long at all (click here to read Psalm 143 in its entirety). You’ll see verse 8 and might be inclined to feel all warm and fuzzy. This isn’t that kind of Psalm, however; at least not in totality. Verse 7 shows King David pleading with God to help him with his deepening depression to the point where he fears (or maybe welcomes?) death. The answer he feels and finds is what happens when we allow God’s love to meet us in our lowest place. The Psalm goes on with a recognition that David needed to hide from his enemies and find respite in the Lord. This proves to be an amazing spot for us to dwell; especially in times of distress — acknowledge the troubles, turn to God, hide in His love if necessary to heal, and glorify His name. God wants to teach you, lead you, and stabilize you in His power. Will you trust Him to do so? I pray that answer is, YES!!!