Trust // Psalms 25:1
Do you have trust issues? I think that’s something we all face from time-to-time. Life happens. People get sick. The economy ebbs and flows. Relationships fracture. The things we tend to trust can let us down. God wants you to know you can trust Him. That does not mean everything will go for you the way you want it to go as and when you want, but you can trust God. Think of it like sitting in your favorite chair after a long day. You don’t worry that the chair all of a sudden won’t be there or won’t hold up under your weight. No, you sit and relax knowing it’s there to hold you. God is the same way. He wants you to trust Him as you do the chair in which you sit, the bed in which you lay, and the floor upon which you stand. In other words, God wants to be the foundation of your life. Jesus mentioned the importance of building your life upon a foundation of rock, not sand. That foundation begins with trust, which activates faith. It takes faith to please God, so once your trust is in place, you know you must live differently. Is God the one in whom you place your trust? If not, what, or who, is it? What would it look like to shift that trust to God? Now, let your trust activate your life of faith so you know you sit, stand, work, rest, etc., you do it all in the life-giving support and power of the Almighty.