Trust // Proverbs 3:5
Today’s verse is one that is pretty well known. It refers to trusting God with all our heart and not leaning on our own understanding. I feel particularly challenged in this regard because I THINK I understand a lot. The reality, however, is my knowledge is limited and perceptions skewed. After all, my perception is the only one I know I know. Ya know? The call is for us to recognize there is an invisible power that we can trust implicitly without thinking. I don’t worry if my chair will support me when I take a seat. I also count on the lights to illuminate when I flip the switch. I have an intrinsic ability to trust those things without giving it much thought. So, when you think about the things you have to do today, why not pray to God and ask Him to help you make your faith and trust a more instinctive response to whatever comes your way. While you’re praying, will you do the same for me, please? I sure would appreciate it!