Trading Spaces // Galatians 2:20
We’ve spent the last couple days considering how we are to build our life on God’s principles and seeking to live with Him forever. Today’s verse teaches that when we die to self in order to live for God, then Jesus sends His Holy Spirit to come live in us. I love that image, and it reminds me of the home fix-it show, “Trading Spaces”! Yes, there are some changes that are required as a result, but Christ is a skilled carpenter. He might very well want to come in and do some heavy remodeling, or maybe just some simple redecorating. Trust Him. We tend to get overly attached to our stuff to a point where we miss the things that need repairing or updating. The good news is Jesus brings His timeless style to us with an inspiration that will blow you away, regardless how refined you believe your tastes are. So, if you turn to Jesus and die to self to live for Him, trust the Lord to make the necessary changes. He longs to trade spaces with you and show you the beauty of a life lived with God. I assure you that you’ll be glad you did!