To Hear and Heed // Mark 4:9
Our verse for the day comes at the end of the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4:1-9. Jesus was specifically referring to the types of ground where seeds are scatters and how they take root if at all. So, when Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear,” He was encouraging people to listen up and make their lives the fertile soil capable of producing bumper crops. The Lord often used the phrase about having ears and listening after He gave a tough teaching. The point was to emphasize the importance of His message by stating everyone (for the most part) has ears, so you better pay attention. Don’t let His words go in one ear and pass through the wind tunnel between the other, but take in the message and apply it to your life. Hearing and heeding the Lord’s Word is key to a productive life. “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear” indeed!