To Direct and Protect // John 10:11
Yesterday we read John 10:10 which was Jesus’ statement that He came to give us life and life in abundance. I want to follow up today with the very next verse which gives us Jesus’ saying that He is the Good Shepherd who gives His life for the flock.
Shepherds were not highly regarded in biblical times, but they were incredibly important. They were hired to direct and protect the sheep under their care. They carried a staff, or a shepherd’s crook, to prod the animals along when they were being stubborn. They also carried a rod to fend off attacks from predators. When Jesus said He was the Good Shepherd…the very same who came to give abundant life…He did so with a pledge to direct and protect the flock.
Know with certainty that whatever you face today, you do not face it alone. Are you being stubborn, wayward, or dim like a sheep? Jesus is there to prod you along. Do you feel under attack, like someone is prowling for you? Jesus is there to fight off your foe. The Good Shepherd is there to direct your steps and protect you from the enemy on the prowl. Yes, the Good Shepherd gave His life for the sheep, but He was resurrected and promised to be with us forever. Therefore, you can have the assurance that Jesus Himself is directing and protecting every step you take today.