To Boldly Go // Acts 4:31

Today’s is National Star Trek Day. I’ll admit I’ve always gravitated more towards Star Wars, but my dad LOVED Star Trek. Whenever I think of the show, I remember the tag line, “To boldly go where no one has gone before.” The explorers were always on a mission of discovery. Usually that involved some kind of conflict. Occasionally it meant war. The same can be said of us living in this world where a spiritual war rages. As we see in our verse for the day, early in the Book of Acts, God filled Peter, who previously succumbed to fear in his denial of Jesus, with courage to do the necessary work of spreading the Gospel. The same is true for you and me! God fills us with an uncommon courage through the Holy Spirit to represent Jesus in places we might never have envisioned seeing ourselves going. So, will you go boldly with the Lord today? He wants to fill you with His power so you beam His radiating love, faster than the speed of light, in ways the defy logic. Let’s go, and go boldly, shall we?