The Vertex // 1 Chronicles 16:24

1 Chronicles 16:24 (NIV) | Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.

We tend to be drawn into our own concentric circles of life. We have our home life where we are unapologetically self. Then, we have perhaps a work or school life — a place where we spend a great deal of our time where we are probably pretty close to self, but a bit guarded in some areas. We have other places we go regularly where people might recognize us, but don’t know us; think about a grocery store, gas station, or other place you frequent. What about church? It seems all too often we go and want to put on a face as though we have it all put together, while on the inside, we’re crying out for help. It’s a place like your house of worship where God wants you to be you, and in the midst of that, declare HIS GLORY! Then, God wants your church family to be a vehicle by which you help serve the world, even going into all nations to declare His marvelous deeds among all people. So, what’s the big deal about the church in that regard? Well, we guard ourselves in a place where we need to be real with our brokenness, our needs, and our weaknesses. This is the vertex of where our great God meets us in our greatest need. That vertex is where we declare God’s glory and marvelous deeds. That’s the place where amazing grace finds the lost, redeems wretches, and saves the soul.
