The Ultimate Ransom // Matthew 20:28

How do you read today’s verse? Is there a word that jumps out to you? For me, it’s the idea of how Jesus came to be our ransom. A ransom is a payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner. You might be like the religious elite who scoffed at similar statements by Jesus in saying they had never been prisoners of anyone. Jesus’ reply, as we see in John 8:34, is how everyone who sins is a slave to sin. The ransom Jesus came to pay with His own blood wasn’t a monetary sum — no, it was (and IS!) far more precious than that — it was to deliver us from sin and an eternal, spiritual death culminating in the horrors of hell. So, as we begin this Saturday, let’s give thanks to the One who is our ultimate ransom and sets us free to live into that freedom so we might help someone else see that God is really and really good!