The Sum // 1 Peter 5:10
Today’s verse from 1 Peter 5:10 essentially sums up the entire book: “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” Peter points to the reality of suffering in life, but also adds a promise that cannot be overlooked, which is that suffering will end and God will restore us. We see that the sum of our hope for eternity arrives when the Lord makes us strong in faith, firm in our hope, and steadfast in love. Yes, we must endure some difficulties in the meantime, but Jesus cannot wait to share the glory of eternity once we’ve been refined by suffering. You might have heard how a goldsmith or silversmith knows when all the impurities have been burned off during the smelting process. It’s when his reflection can be seen in the molten metal. God does the same for you and me when we are going through trials. He is there, carefully watching, and helping us to become more like Jesus. So know there is purpose to the pain. There is always hope, friends, so hold on with great anticipation for what the Lord longs to do in, for, and through you!