The Shema // Deuteronomy 6:5

Today’s verse is also known as the Shema. The Shema is the central prayer in Judaism affirming life with God. This was a prayer lifted by faithful followers of Judaism first thing in the morning and at the end of the day before falling asleep. It was also believed to be the last words many said before death. It all points to the singular power of God that overwhelms our heart, soul, and body. Jesus referenced this when He was challenged as to the greatest commandment. The Gospel of Mark indicates that Jesus added we are also to love God with our mind. Then, it records Jesus as saying that the second greatest commandment is like it, to love our neighbor as we love self (Mark 12:30-31). Jesus’ point was that every single law we are called to obey stems from the foundational call to love God and others. When we live in such a way, even our biggest goof-ups call us to seek forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration in relationships. This is a perfect thing for us to focus on first thing in the morning, last thing in the evening, and every moment in between. Let’s do it, shall we?

Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App