The Savior’s Pasture // John 10:7-9
Yesterday we explored how Jesus declared Himself to be the pathway to God. He isn’t just the pathway as we read today, He is also the gate. Today’s verse tells us that Jesus welcomes His flock and then protects them against the thieves and robbers that are an ever-present threat. There is a little nugget in this verse that I think deserves a little mention, which acknowledges that the threats are also calling out to the flock. Wow, does this ring true today or what?! The deceiver is constantly trying to tempt and lure away the flock. The enemy considers it a victory if it can peel off one or two sheep even if the rest of the flock doesn’t stray. There is a great caution here that the enemy is constantly trying to separate us from the protection of the flock and its shepherd. Keep your eyes on the Good Shepherd and your ears tuned to His voice. This is the only way we can make it in this world where we are constant targets. Don’t fret, though, because the pathway and the gate leads to the Savior’s pasture.