The Power of To-Gather
Matthew 18:20
There is power in gathering together. Something amazing happens when a group comes together for a singular purpose with a singular focus. That purpose for the Jesus follower is magnifying God’s presence. God, not incidentally, is also the focus.
Sometimes we behave as though worship is info-tainment where we come to hear good music, listen to an informative/inspirational message, and get the opportunity to see the people we do life with. That isn’t worship, though. As Søren Kierkegaard wrote, “Worship isn’t God’s show. God is the audience. God’s watching. The congregation, they are the actors in this drama. Worship is their show. And the minister is just reminding the people of their forgotten lines.”
When we come together for authentic worship, an awareness of God’s presence arrives. The spiritual fog of the world lifts. The music penetrates the scar tissue of the soul, drawing our attention to the Living Lord. It also prepares us to receive God’s word. The message helps us contemplate a life lived with God and each other. We also have the opportunity through our singing, praying, reflecting, sharing, supporting…and yes, giving…to respond to God in our midst.
There are times we feel we don’t need to be in a church building to do those things, and perhaps that is technically true. But there is something quite different that happens when we come to gather together. We feel the energy of the Holy Spirit weaving our lives together. We hear the voices of persons from all walks of life lifting praise together. We contemplate how words written thousands of years ago can be just as relevant for us today as they were way back then. Yep, you got it…we do that together! And how is that? It’s because, as Kierkegaard wrote, God is the audience! This is why Jesus said what He did, that when two or three (or more!) gather in His name, He is there amongst them. In our midst. This is the reality of Immanuel, God with us.
So if you’re wondering why it’s important to come together and gather for worship, that is why. Jesus comes, too! He is the purpose of our actions. Jesus is our WHY. He is the focal point of our vision. He is the audience of our praise. There IS power of ToGather. Together. Will you come? Jesus will be there. It frankly wont be the same if you aren’t…for as the old church marquee states… “Ch__ch. What’s missing? UR.”
I hope to see you later today at Hope Church. If you can’t make it in person, join us online. If you’re sick, tending to a family emergency, or otherwise unable to make it, let me know so I can pray for you.