The Never-failing and Fulfilling Word of God // Luke 1:37

Today’s verse comes contextually in the time when the angle, Gabriel, told Mary know that she would bear Jesus, and her cousin, Elizabeth, would bear John. She was confused because she was a virgin and her cousin was beyond her childbearing years. Mary asked a legitimate question: “How…?” The angel simply responded, “the Word of God will never fail.” Mary’s reply is beautiful: “May your word to me be fulfilled.”

Have you, like Mary, ever wondered how God would pull off a miracle? I know I sure have! I know I also have tried manufacturing or manipulating things to make miracles happen. That isn’t God’s way, though. God wants us to be like Mary. Submit to God in faith, surrender to His will in hope, and serve Him in love.

So, if you are facing something you can’t see how it will be resolved, turn to the One who knows. Remember in faith that the Word of God never fails. Then, let the Word of God do in you what the Lord intends so His Will, Word, and Way may be fulfilled in, for, and through you!

To God, the Word, be the glory!
