The Lord Reigns // Psalm 103:19
Ok, I admit it, I’m a little glum that the Braves are no longer introduced as reigning World Champions. There, I said it. It’s interesting to think about how such worldly crowns can be here one day and gone the next…either passed on to someone else or lost entirely. That is a good reminder that this world is temporary. And thankfully so, right!? When we experience such setbacks in life, it’s imperative we remember that God IS sovereign and His Kingdom rules over all! Yes, even World Champion baseball teams. I hope that gives you a little hope if you’re enduring a setback or defeat. Remember, it is all temporary; except for God’s eternal Kingdom. As we’ve explored the last couple days, let’s set our minds above — keeping and protecting our thoughts — and with a renewed focus remembering to serve God by serving others. That is one way we can live into Jesus’ prayer to help bring glimpses of God’s Kingdom here into our temporal plane.