The Horn of Salvation // Psalm 18:2
Today’s verse references “the horn of salvation.” That’s kind of an unusual term, isn’t it? The Bible discusses four basic kinds of horns. The first is the protrusion on the head of an animal, like a ram or a goat. The second also comes from an animal used like a musical instrument that plays a sound, and can also be used as a container for things like oil. The third kind is symbolically ornamental, referring to the meaning of the corners on an alter depicting purity, atonement, salvation, and refuge. The fourth kind actually refers to a person of prominence and power; i,e., God! Luke 1:68-69 refers to the coming Christ as the horn of salvation, making a direct connection to Psalm 18:2! This is a profound acknowledgment of God’s plan in Jesus to purify us of our sin, make us one with God, save us from Satan, and give us a spiritual refuge in times of trouble. So, when you see references to the horn of salvation, know that it all points to Jesus!