The Holy Spirit will Give You the Words // Luke 12:11-12

Are you a Glossophobic? Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking and is commonly ranked as the top phobia, affecting some 75% of people.

Did you know that today is national Free from Fear of Speaking Day? It was designed to help people acknowledge and cope with the fear of public speaking. It is typically rooted in social anxiety caused by a desire not to be judged by others; previous negative experiences; and a lack of confidence.

Jesus taught the disciples and others who were listening that their faith would ultimately lead them to need to speak up for Him. Jesus encouraged them not to worry about what to say, because the Holy Spirit will give them the words. This is true today just as it was then.

If you battle glossophobia, be confident that God knows. He will give you the words you need when the time comes; that means you don’t have to worry about the confidence factor. Sure, you might have some previous negative experiences, but so did Jesus. My hope and prayer is you don’t allow any social anxiety to keep you from speaking up for the Lord. After all, you might just have the words someone needs to find Jesus and experience the salvation He longs to give.