The Good Light // James 1:17
What do you think of the picture in the Bible graphic below? It is a Jesus nightlight my mom bought for me as a gift. It sat in a drawer in our house until I unearthed it (so-to-speak) while refinishing some of our furniture. I brought it to my pastor’s study and plugged it in right in front of my desk. I wanted to share this today after yesterday’s devotion looking at light and shadows.
One of my life verses is John 8:12 when Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” There are things that do cast shadows in life, and I particularly appreciate how today’s verse from James 1:17 indicates that shadows can shift. Much like the tree outside my childhood bedroom I discussed Tuesday, the shifting of the shadow was uniquely worrisome until I was able to make out what it was and why it was there. You see, we had a large security light my dad installed that illuminated our yard almost as bright as midday. The tree would sway in the breeze, causing the shadow to shift and creep along the walls of my room. It was unnerving to say the least. Gaining the proper perspective, however, made all the difference in the world, which was visible because of the light illuminating the darkness.
Jesus is God’s great gift that came from heaven and descended into the darkness of this world. Part of Jesus’ work and presence was to cast out the darkness. Another was to reveal where some of the grossest darkness was with which we personally need to deal. No one likes having their darkness exposed, but the light isn’t to discourage us due to the darkness’ presence, but disinfect us all so we can live in the way God created and calls us to live. So if you need a little help today, shine the good light of Jesus wherever you are. May it cast out the darkness, reveal your worries, and assure you that God is constant even when so much seems to be shifting around us. Dear Lord, let it be.