Tetelestai // John 19:30

Jesus’ last words, as recorded in John 19:30 were, “It is finished.” That is the English translation for the Greek word, tetelestai, which means, paid in full. Jesus referred to the completion of His mission to pay the penalty for humanity’s sin. Friends, on this Good Friday, it is finished. It is accomplished. It is done. Jesus did it and offers salvation to you as a free gift. Will you receive it? Will you open it? Will you use it by living differently? Your sin debt is paid in full. Saying thank you to Jesus seems so inadequate, but in reality, that’s all He wants. He wants your acknowledgment, belief, and confession of faith to be Lord and Savior of your life. May it leave you changed. May we all seek to be used by God to change the world.

The Power of Jesus' Last Words (John 19:30) - Your Daily Bible Verse -  January 4 - Daily Devotional
Photo Credit: crosswalk.com