Sweet or Stink? // 2 Corinthians 2:15-16a
Mille dog and I were out for a walk a few weeks ago. We were heading downhill toward a creek when I was hit by the stench of a dead animal’s decaying carcass. Well, I say it was a stench, but I think Millie found it inviting. Within a moment I was awash in the sweet fragrance of the blossoms from a honeysuckle bush. Talk about whiplash for my sniffer. That brought to mind the verse I chose for today from 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 and how the Apostle Paul indicated this dual reality in our world. On one hand there is the stench of decay, but on the other, there is the fragrance of new life. What can be challenging is we have the ability and responsibility to choose the smell in which we steep our lives. We can be the sweet pleasing aroma of new life or the stinky stench of decay. So much has to do with our focus. If we focus on the goodness of God, then our minds can choose the sweet. If we focus only on the decay, we might be overcome by the stench that is there, too. Regardless, our focus on God can help wash the world in the pleasing aroma of Christ amongst the rancid rot. Some, like Millie, might choose the stank, but for me, I want the honeysuckle! And I pray I help waft the pleasing aroma of Christ wherever I go. With His help, and my focus there, it’s possible! The same is true for you. Will you join me?