Stand // Ephesians 6:13
This week we are taking a look at the Armor of God section from Ephesians 6. Today we see that the Almighty’s Armor helps us stand strong amidst the battle. What strikes me in this verse is how Paul acknowledged we will be able to stand after having done everything else. Wow. It brings to mind the powerful climactic scene toward the end of the movie, Avengers: Endgame, when Captain America felt he was making his final stand against Thanos. He tightened the strap of his shield and prepared for what was to come just as the other heroes arrived to save the day. We might not have the help of a legion of superheroes come to our aid when we make a stand, but I assure you the power of God far surpasses them all! Yes, it’s true you might get beaten, bruised, and maybe even bloodied in the fight, but God wants you to stand so badly He’ll give you the strength to do so. Captain America didn’t know other heroes were coming to his aid, but he stood regardless. How much will it bolster your confidence to know that the Lord is with you as you stand? I want to close with a verse I hold to tightly when I feel the spiritual war wage around me. May this encourage you and give you the confidence you need to be able to stand your ground, even — and especially — after you’ve done everything else.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9, NIV