Spirit Songs // Job 35:10

I’ve shared recently about how I’ve been working through some personal difficulties. Something that seemed to happen each morning is I would awake with a worship song in my consciousness. There were days I knew exactly which song it was and others where I had to noodle through the melody and/or lyrics until it struck a chord. I was amazed how frequently the song matched either what I was feeling or what I needed. Then, there was one day when some really good news came and the song perfectly matched how I felt. What I found to be unique is the song matched what I needed before I even knew it. Isn’t GOD awesome?!

Today’s verse comes from a section in the book of Job where there is some chastisement for only going to God when times are tough while otherwise being indifferent to the Lord. Job’s friend, Elihu, reminded Job that God deserves to be acknowledged and praised in good times and bad. He also mentioned that God reveals Himself in nature and those spontaneous songs He places in a person’s heart. That really struck me!

Luther Bridgers wrote the hymn, “He Keeps Me Singing.” The first verse and stanza go as follows…

There’s within my heart a melody; Jesus whispers sweet and low,
“Fear not, I am with you, peace, be still,” in all of life’s ebb and flow.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know,
fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.

Author: Luther B. Bridgers (1910)

I like to say that God uses music to penetrate the scar tissue of the soul. I am so glad God is in the business of speaking to us through song. There are times we are called to sing it loud and proud, as well as soft and prayerfully. Regardless if we know the song like it’s our theme, or if we have to search our memories to bring forth the familiarity, we need to sing them. They might appear to be spontaneous to you and me, but the Holy Spirit tunes them up for a reason. Sing it. Find it. Share it.