Soul Medicine // Proverbs 17:22
How are you doing after your Independence Day holiday? Many people will enjoy a long weekend, especially with today being a Friday after a major holiday. If you are fortunate enough to have an extra day off, I want to encourage you to follow the advice of Proverbs 17:22 and play today! God designed us to play, but we abandon that when we begin to brood as teenagers. Still, play helps us learn, laugh, reduce stress, and build relationships. If you are someone who has forgotten how to play — or you need a little nurdge to get you started — make it a priority this weekend. Be playful, even if it requires practice. Embrace creativity; especially if you might have gotten in a rut. Then, and maybe most importantly, share that joy with others. It is good medicine for the soul and will help you reconnect with your inner child. Remember, Jesus told us to come to Him like a child and marvel in God with a childlike faith. Let’s make today count!