Soul Bandages // Psalm 147:3

Does today’s verse meet you like a soul bandage? It does for me. I remember going through the darkest, saddest, and most despondent time of my life when my heart was thoroughly obliterated. I told a friend that I wish my pain was from something like a broken bone where I could wear a cast to stabilize my wound and have something visible for others to see. I’m pretty sure my devastated heart showed up on my face, in my body language, and through my expressions, but I wished there was a soul bandage I could have applied to my wound. Looking back over that time, I came to realize that though I couldn’t put a bandage on my heart, the Great Physician and Wonderful Counselor were hard at work. God called me to prayer, led others — loved ones and strangers alike — to prove I wasn’t lost, and helped me find a healing that was only available supernaturally. If you find your life shattered today, and wish the wounds were visible so others can see, know this truth: GOD sees them! He wants to be at work in your heart, mind, and soul to bind your wounds and bring the healing only He can. Will you make an appointment to see our healing Savior? Will you take His precious prescriptions? Treat His therapies with the eternal wisdom He longs to provide. Please don’t isolate yourself, but allow others to come alongside you and reveal that there is still hope in the world. If you need to talk about this further, or could use some prayer, comment below or send me an email ([email protected]).

Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App