So Who is My Neighbor? // Luke 10:29

Yesterday we looked at Galatians 5:14 and how we are to love our neighbor as we love self. Jesus Himself taught about how we are to love God and neighbor with all that we have and are. That begged the question we see in Luke 10:29, “Who is my neighbor?” That question prompted Jesus to teach the parable of the Good Samaritan. You can read the entire account in Luke 10:25-37.

The parable is rich with meaning. You might recall it begins with a man beaten and left for dead by robbers. Jesus called out the religious elite for finding excuses not to serve the man in his need. A Samaritan (racially despised in the time of Jesus) was the one who met the man’s needs, going above and beyond, proving the ultimate point: your neighbor is anyone to whom you can show kindness. This means a neighbor isn’t determined by the physical things we might associate with in the world, but the ability to serve anyone and everyone with loving kindness.

So, if you see someone today you can show kindness, do it. That will make him or her your neighbor. It will also put into action what we explored yesterday, that we are freed from the bonds of this world in Jesus to remove the dividing barriers amongst us and serve one another in love. Let’s get to it, why don’t we?!