SMART Goals are Time-Based // Ecclesiastes 3:1
Today we will complete our SMART acrostic to help with goal setting for the new year. So far we have considered our how goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant. Today, we will think about how our goals must also be time-based, meaning there is a time within which to complete the goal. Now, don’t get too discouraged if it takes longer to complete, but the idea is to take the other components of goal setting and seek to accomplish them within a set amount of time.
I introduced this idea real briefly in yesterday’s writing. The Greeks had two views of time: (1) chronos, or the passing of time; and (2) kairos, or appropriate time for something to be accomplished, fulfilled. This sits nicely with our verse for today from Ecclesiastes 3:1 and now the Bible tells us, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” I recommend reading the remainder of Ecclesiastes 3, because it is so full of wisdom about both that passage of time as well as how and when things will be fulfilled.
God exists outside of both concepts of time, but chooses to work within them for our benefit. God wants us to use our time wisely each and every day, as well as stay mindful about how and when we do the things He needs us to do. That’s what can help keep us fixed on the relevance of certain actions, achieving certain steps, measuring our progress along the way, and being specific enough as a statement of faith so we can know when and how God helps us reach our goals. BUT, it’s imperative for us to put and keep Him first.
God is not bound by time, but we are. That is why He wants us to use our time wisely and set our goals accordingly. Yes, there is a time and a season for everything, so let’s make the most of each in 2024 and beyond!