Shine! // Daniel 12:3
Today’s verse points to an end-times prophecy in the Book of Daniel. The prophet wrote about how the time will come when the wise will see heaven and the wicked experience hell. So who are the wise? It’s those who have the knowledge that God is real and longs to save us; puts that into action by accepting the offer of salvation through the forgiveness of sin; and recognizes the enteral ramifications of our choices. As Daniel pointed out, those who are wise will shine with the brightness of the heavens. Friends, that isn’t just for some long off time and place; no, this is available to you right now. That Light that shone first out of darkness is the light that still shines. The closer we get to Christmas, the more real I sense it becoming. So, take the knowledge of God’s presence and power, along with your own need for a savior, be applied to God’s offer of salvation and lived into with an eternal hope. This will, as Paul would later write, help you to shine like stars in the universe (Philippians 2:15)!