Shameless? // Zephaniah 3:5b

Yesterday we explored how sometimes pride can actually be mistaken for gratitude. This can happen when we are so excited about something that we say we’re proud, when in reality what we feel is gratitude. The Bible tells us that when we feel gratitude we must express it. So what if what we feel isn’t gratitude? What if we take our focus off of God and begin to think we are the source of everything good in life?

One way to think about pride is the inability to feel shame. Let’s agree for the sake of this morning’s devotional that shame is a feeling of embarrassment and/or guilt for wrong or foolish behavior. Violating God’s will should convict us to turn around and follow God’s way; i.e., repent. The inability to feel shame can cause someone to think they are always right and need no help. This obviously isn’t God’s way! Good thing He gives us a chance to get it right and come back to Him (along with coming to our senses).

Zephaniah 3:5b says, “Morning by morning [God] dispenses his justice, and every new day he does not fail, yet the unrighteous know no shame.” God doesn’t fail, but people do. Those who do not know God do not know God’s righteousness, and therefore, feel shameless whenever they do something wrong or foolish. That kind of person is convinced that someone else is always the root of the problem when in reality it could be him/her shamelessly making a mess of things. Thank the Lord that today’s verse reminds us that God’s justice is renewed and dispensed daily. This means despite all the problems in our past, they can be wiped out by God today who is always ready to forgive. Consider 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Now, are you ready for some really good news?! Once you’re forgiven and purified, that’s a once-and-forever gift from God. For as Romans 8:1 instructs us, “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”! Yes, God’s Holy Spirit might convict you of your wrong or foolish behavior, but conviction ≠ condemnation when you’re in Christ. Conviction means you’re given a chance to get it right. Condemnation means you never will. See the difference?

I you have spent any amount of time in your life knowing no shame, seek God’s will and go God’s way. You will undoubtedly be convicted of wrong or foolish behavior, but conviction is not condemnation when you are in Christ Jesus. May that good news be the merciful justice God shows you today! May it give you the Jesus jolt you need to live for the Lord this day and forever more.