Devoted to and Honoring God’s Holy Cause // Romans 12:10

We need this verse, don’t we? We don’t just need to read it, we need to heed it! Let’s break it down, shall we? To be devoted to someone or something means we dedicate our precious resources of time, energy, and money to it. To honor someone or something means we show respect and adhere to what is right. Unfortunately, one of the biggest issues with our human nature is we want to be first and most important. This is not God’s way. Jesus emphasized this in His teaching by saying, “those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12). So, may we see our part in God’s forever family as one who seeks to love with all we have and are while we show honor to others; after all, living a life of honor says more about you than others, especially if they act dishonorably. In other words, don’t let their misgivings cause you to divert the resources and honor God needs you to devote to His holy cause.