Reoriented Requests // Matthew 7:8

Today’s verse is a beautiful promise but can also be a stumbling block for people who misunderstand it. Jesus isn’t saying we can ask for a Mercedes Benz and get it, hunt for the pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow and find it, or knock on the door of the Oval Office and gain admittance. The problem with our queries for such things is we have our focus in the wrong place. Are you guilty of looking more toward the gift as opposed to the giver? What Jesus wants us to do is get to know the Giver first and God will reorient our desires to be in line with His plan. So, if you are seeking something from God, first make sure you are close to Him relationally. Then, seek to do God’s will and ask for the gifts that will help you accomplish it. Reorienting your requests from the gifts to the Giver makes all the difference in the world!